I traveled from 35 to 106 thousand in 3 years and am satisfied. Plastic sad, but visually normal. The engine should live up to 200 thousand, but this is not accurate. 09/04/2021 The car is very spacious in the cabin. The body does not rot, everything is ok.
Changhe CH1012L tips
The car is very spacious in the cabin. Good car for your money. Walking is weak. I threw out the fenders, it became easier. The springs are very soft, so they sit down hard and it seems that you are driving a solid car. Consumables are easy to buy, but serious spare parts need to be ordered. High https://cars45.co.tz/listing/hummer/h2/2007 ceiling straight buzz! Landing high class!! Norms of light, interior, convenience. The engine is weak, but up to 80 km / h vomits well. High ceiling straight buzz! Landing high class!! Norms of light, interior, convenience. In my color it is very noticeable and beautiful and everyone liked it. In my color it is very noticeable and beautiful and everyone n. more In general, a car up to 150 thousand km will be normal, then that’s it.